Saint Kitts and Nevis was a British colony until 1983. When the state gained independence, the economic issue became acute. The state received all its income from sugar cane exports and tourism. This money wasn’t enough to support and develop the region. Then the authorities came up with a way to attract foreign investment, and in 1984, Saint Kitts and Nevis launched a state program that allows foreigners to get a passport of the country for contributing to its economy.
These days, it’s the oldest and one of the most successful citizenship investment programs.
Terms of investment programs
To pass the verification successfully, the main applicant must:

- 1 Be over 18 years old;
- 2 Provide reliable information about all participants who enter into citizenship together with him;
- 3 If one of the participants over the age of 16 doesn't pass the verification of Public Administration, then citizenship can be denied to all;
- 4 Confirm that funds for investments and additional fees were received legally;
- 5 Confirm that applicant is healthy and has no serious chronic illnesses.
There are 2 types of investments allowed in Saint Kitts and Nevis
Investment in fund
Pros of investment
- cheaper than real estate
- fewer risks
- depending on the chosen fund, you can help both the economy of state and
- individual/ssettlements
Cons of investment
- non-refundable investments
- The final investment amount is calculated individually.
The final investment amount is calculated individually.
The calculation includes:
Additional payment for family members
- $45,000 — to include from 1 to 3 additional people;
- $20,000 — brother or sister;
- $10 000 — for each additional family member in the application.
Due-diligence check
- $7 500 — the main applicant;
- $4 000 — every family member.
Real estate investment
Pros of investment
- an opportunity to return your investment in 5-7 years;
- you own accommodation, if you plan to visit the island often
Cons of investment
- rental and sale market is oversaturated and as a result it faces a low return on investment
- high cost of maintaining real estate. Many services are more expensive on the island than on the mainland
- unstable climate. The country is most vulnerable to typhoons and hurricanes that hit at least once in 3 years. There’s a risk of losing the investment object
- the final investment amount is calculated individually.
The final investment amount is calculated individually.
The calculation includes:
Contribution from $200,000 with mandatory property ownership for 7 years
Contribution from $400,000 with mandatory property ownership for 5 years
State fee
- $35 050 — the applicant;
- $20 050 — the investor's husband or wife;
- $40 000 — brother or sister;
- $10 050 — each additional family member in the application.
Due-diligence check
- $7 500 — the main applicant;
- $4 000 — every family member.
Stages of obtaining the citizenship of Saint Kitts and Nevis
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